Mandarin Immersion:
What It Is, Why It's Important, Benefits, and Parent Commitments & Responsibilities
What is Immersion?Immersion is a unique educational experience with the goal of developing bi-literacy, bilingualism, and bi-cultural attitudes in elementary students. It is an educational model that provides academic instruction in English and a “target language” such as Mandarin Chinese. The goals of dual language programs are for students to develop high levels of language proficiency and literacy in both program languages, to demonstrate high levels of academic achievement, and to develop an appreciation for and an understanding of diverse cultures. Simultaneous translation is never used.
Why is learning Mandarin Chinese important?
Benefits of a Mandarin Immersion Program
Enhances a child’s mental development and intellectual growth
Achieve proficiency in both English and Mandarin Chinese literacy and communication
Increases understanding and acceptance of different cultures
Improves overall school performance and problem-solving skills
Gains access to more career choices and opportunities
Encourages becoming a global citizen
Achieve proficiency in both English and Mandarin Chinese literacy and communication
Increases understanding and acceptance of different cultures
Improves overall school performance and problem-solving skills
Gains access to more career choices and opportunities
Encourages becoming a global citizen
Children’s brains are naturally programmed to learn any language they are sufficiently exposed to perfectly and without accents. This ability declines with age, disappearing by high school, according to research.
Parent CommitmentFor students to be successful in the MIP program, there will need to be a partnership between the school and family.
Students should remain in the program at least through fifth grade in order to gain the full benefit of the program. Parents need to make this long-term commitment and are expected to be active participants in their child’s education at school and home.
Parent ResponsibilitiesIt is every parent’s responsibility to...