Credit/Debit CardTax deductible donations can be made with a credit/debit card through Kindful , or you can send a check or money order (please make checks payable to “Friends of MIP"). Using Kindful allows you to pay with credit card or linked bank account, set up monthly recurring payments and get tax statements from the website.
Please create your account at: |
Check or Direct DepositDonations of any amount can also be set up (weekly or monthly) using your bank's online bill pay feature. Simply specify "Friends of MIP" and the address below as the payee. Include your first and last name as the account number. A check will be sent to the school in the amount and frequency that you set up with your bank. Contact Controller for more information.
SEND CHECKS TO: Marian Bergeson Elementary ATTN: Friends of MIP 25302 Rancho Niguel Road Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 The Friends of MIP Tax ID Number is 46-4371590 |
Shop on AmazonShop on Amazon? Use this link to benefit Friends of MIP and BESF.
Or add the items below to your cart then point your browser to Disclaimer:
Friends of MIP is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon offers a small commission on products sold through their affiliate links. Each of your purchases via our Amazon affiliation links supports our cause at no additional cost to you. If a website links to an Amazon product (with a special code for affiliates embedded in the link), and a reader places an item in their "shopping cart" through that link within 24 hours of clicking the link, the website gets a small percentage of the sale. Amazon links are not "pay per click". If you click on the product link and stay around Amazon and purchase something else, however, Friends of MIP will get commission on that sale. |
Employer MatchingMany companies provide charitable matching programs. Check with your company's Human Resource Department to determine if there is a Corporate Matching Gift Program and what the process is to apply.
When completing a company match application, please enter the following as the organization name: Friends of Mandarin Immersion Program (FoMIP) If you noticed that your employer match is not showing up on the website, please reach out to our financial controller to verify if we received the donation. Also the mail room will be closed for most of the summer, but we can still receive donations and will check the mail periodically. |
What Does Your Donation Support?
Mandarin classroom teaching materials
Instructional aides in the classroom
Classroom equipment (Chromebooks & SmartBoards) and Chinese learning software
Chinese books and DVDs for the library
Chinese cultural and enrichment activities
Staff training and development
Instructional aides in the classroom
Classroom equipment (Chromebooks & SmartBoards) and Chinese learning software
Chinese books and DVDs for the library
Chinese cultural and enrichment activities
Staff training and development